Welcome to  
Genius Matching Space

The global platform to connect with people who are creating cool stuff in the world too.

Are you someone who believes in the boundless creative potential within every individual, the force we might call genius that we all have access to?
Have you already experienced the thrill of turning your ideas into reality yet you’re yearning for a playful and supportive community to share, inspire, and collaborate with?
Are you looking for a place to showcase your projects, get feedback and support, and connect with fellow creators?

Then, you're right here at Genius Matching Space 

Empowering Creativity and Collaboration

Here at Genius Matching Space, we recognize that creativity knows no bounds, and we believe that dreams are meant to be shared, nurtured, and brought to life in the company of kindred spirits. Whether you’re a whimsical artist, a visionary entrepreneur, or simply someone with a wild idea and playful spirit, our platform offers the perfect playground for you to unleash your creativity and connect with others who share your passion for dreaming big, taking inspired action, supporting and collaborating with fellow humans. 

Celebrating Creative Power

Picture a vibrant community where your creative power – the genie within you – is not only valued but celebrated, where you can showcase your projects, exchange ideas, and embark on collaborative adventures with others who inspire you to dream, believe, and achieve.

Here`s why we’re the perfect platform for you:

  • Inspiring
  • Supportive
  • Empowering

Empowering and Curated Connections

Our platform facilitates connections based on shared passions, values, interests, and aspirations, ensuring that every connection you have is meaningful and can spark new ideas and creative insights.

Inclusive and Supportive Community

Whether you’re a seasoned creator or just starting to explore your creative potential, you’ll find a diverse and supportive community of individuals eager to collaborate, learn, and grow together. You can share and hear about the highs and lows of the creative journey, cheer each other on, offer guidance, and celebrate your successes every step of the way. 

Inspiring Projects and Creative Exchange

From grassroots initiatives to ambitious endeavors, Genius Matching Space is home to a myriad of projects driven by the collective creative power of our members. Dive into a world of playful collaboration, share your dreams, offer feedback, and join forces with fellow creators, to bring your boldest ideas to life and make a positive impact on the world. 

Inspiring and Impactful Stories

Discover the stories behind the projects – the triumphs, the challenges, and the moments of pure creative magic that have shaped each creation into a work of art, ingenuity, or innovation. Let them spark your curiosity, challenge your assumptions, and inspire you to explore new frontiers of creativity and possibility. 

Are you ready to share your ideas and creations, and connect with other people who are creating cool stuff in the world too?

Don’t wait for inspiration to find you – create it. 

Join Genius Matching Space and embark on a journey of discovery, collaboration, and limitless creative possibility.

Here`s how it works:

You can choose to 
  • check out all the cool projects from people around the world
  • connect with the person behind one specific project you like and want to support/ know more of 

for free

We're currently building the "Genius Project Page" to display all the cool stuff people are creating. If you want to be informed as soon as it's live, please subscribe to our Genius Matching Space newsletter:

You can choose to 
  • showcase your very own project to the world and within the Genius Matching Space
  • start your own matching process to find people to connect with for mutual inspiration & support
  • get matched to connect with other people on mutual interests and/ or projects

for just 35€* per quarter

(*VAT included)

Find out how to get started below 

Here`s how to get started:


Start by answering the introductory questions in the first "Genius Project Matching" process below.

Step 2

Get validated by our team and receive your subscription link via email.

Step 3

Pay your first subscription and receive your personal invitation link to the Genius Matching Space.

Step 4

Fill in your profile and project details. Start your matching process with your offers and needs and have fun!

Ready to exchange your thoughts and innovations, while engaging with fellow individuals crafting amazing things in the world too?

Start with Step 1 right now below:
(Y)our next step

We've seen miracles happen when people are aiming at creating the impossible - in a group of generous and kind co-creators, with the understanding that we all have access to genius, the power deep within us and all around us. The Genius Matching Space is one of the "impossible projects" that came into being as a result of the 90-day program "Creating the Impossible" by Michael Neill. We're far from being "done" with what we want to achieve and facilitate for you. This is only the beginning and we're incredibly happy and grateful to have you join our space. Let's create cool stuff in and for the world together! The Genius Matching Space is for you and your next steps in making the impossible come true for you.